Visualizing Color Has Never Been Easier
Our unprecedented digital color visualization tool, when connected with PPG’s camera-equipped spectrophotometers (RapidMatch XI & DigiMatch™), helps users find the best color variant from PPG’s extensive color match library.
Increase match quality - Using advanced rendering technology, users receive realistic visuals to select the best match every time, reducing dependency on physical color tools
Save time - Reduce painting costs and time spent making spray outs to support the decision in choosing the right formula, saving time and increasing productivity
Reduce inefficiencies - With less room for human error, reduced repetitions, and the ability to make quicker matches and share them immediately, body shops can easily improve their overall efficiency
Boost profitability - Increase body shop profits with time and paint savings
Advanced 3D rendering, including virtual blend and edge views
Manipulate shape orientation and light source
Realistic visualization for variants that would require spray out
No additional computer hardware required
Removes need for physical color tools
Access to PPG's immense color match library
Intuitive and easy to use