Visualizing Color Has Never Been Easier

Our unprecedented digital color visualization tool, when connected with PPG’s camera-equipped spectrophotometers (RapidMatch XI & DigiMatch™), helps users find the best color variant from PPG’s extensive color match library.


  • Increase match quality - Using advanced rendering technology, users receive realistic visuals to select the best match every time, reducing dependency on physical color tools

  • Save time - Reduce painting costs and time spent making spray outs to support the decision in choosing the right formula, saving time and increasing productivity

  • Reduce inefficiencies - With less room for human error, reduced repetitions, and the ability to make quicker matches and share them immediately, body shops can easily improve their overall efficiency

  • Boost profitability - Increase body shop profits with time and paint savings


  • Advanced 3D rendering, including virtual blend and edge views

  • Manipulate shape orientation and light source

  • Realistic visualization for variants that would require spray out

  • No additional computer hardware required

  • Removes need for physical color tools

  • Access to PPG's immense color match library

  • Intuitive and easy to use